M.I'5.Pers ecution ` th eir meth ods and tactics
(too old to reply)
2008-01-02 08:19:47 UTC
-= MI5: methods and. tactics -=

They deliberately set. out to harass in a way that would resemble the
symptoms of schizophrenia, so that any report of the harassment would. be
taken as. indicating mental illness and "treated" accordingly. They never
show their own faces; they only. work through proxies, in the media, among
the public, and. by manipulating people in the workplace. Since they do not
declare their identity there is no evidence to initiate legal. action
against the security. services or anyone else. The only people you can
prosecute are the proxies and they will deny knowledge of. any conspiracy.

By. repeatedly humiliating and abusing the victim, they induced mental
illness. This is the worst form. of human rights violation: making any
statement of the harassment appear to be symptomatic. of the illness which
they cause through the harassment. That this can happen,. and people collude
by silence, is. absolutely horrifying.

From the beginning in June 1990 they set a pattern. of harassment which they
have followed without change for the last. six years. They paint me as a
"threat" to which people must "react" (shades of. Nazi persecution methods),
while simultaneously portraying their. hate campaign on which they have
spent over a million pounds of. taxpayersÂ’ money as a "joke".

The MI5 that breaks the law with the silent complicity of. the police is the
same agency that is now seeking. a role in the fight against crime. Perhaps
the real joke is the proposed involvement in. the implementation of justice
of an organisation which commits criminal acts with. secrecy and disinterest
for the. legal process.

2008-01-24 21:44:04 UTC
into the dead soul; though the grace then
implanted more gradually displays itself in some than in others. But as
to fixing on the precise time when they put forth the very first act of
grace, there is a great deal of difference in different persons; in some
it seems to be very discernible when the very time was; but others are
more at a loss. In this respect, there are very many who do not know,
even when they have it, that it is the grace of conversion, and
sometimes do not think it to be so till a long time after. Many, even
when they come to entertain great hopes that they are converted, if they
remember what they experienced in the first exercises of grace, they are
at a loss whether it was any more than a common illumination; or whether
some other more clear and remarkable experience which they had
afterwards, was not the first of a saving nature. The manner of God's
work on the soul, sometimes especially, is very mysterious; and it is
with the kingdom of God as to its manifestation in the heart of a
convert, as is said, Mark iv. 26, 27,28, "So is the kingdom of God, as
if a man should cast seed into the ground, and should sleep, and rise
night and day, and the seed should spring and grow up, he knoweth not
how; for the earth bringeth forth fruit of herself, first the blade,
then the ear, after that the full corn in the ear."

In some, converting light is like a glorious brightness suddenly shining
upon a person, and all around him: they are in a remarkable manner
brought out of darkness into marvelous light. In many others it has been
like the dawning of th
